Ads for food products:
- Creative MUST comply with applicable laws & regulations regarding definitions/restrictions on food-related descriptive words.
The use of the word “Free” in any ad:
- Creative MUST fully comply with all state and federal guidelines, and disclose all material terms and conditions to obtain the free item.
- In particular, creative CANNOT claim to offer “free gifts” when in fact the user is required to sign up for one or more offers, trial subscriptions, etc.
- Creative MUST disclose how many offers the user must complete before receiving the gift.
Ads for promotions (contests, sweepstakes, special offers):
- Creative CANNOT imply that the promotion is approved or endorsed by any government or quasi-government entity.
- The promotion MUST offer a fair opportunity for all entrants to win.
- Chance based promotions MUST clearly disclose that no purchase is necessary.
- Creative CANNOT claim “everyone wins,” or suggest that user was specially selected to receive a prize.
- Creative CANNOT suggest that a payment by the winner is necessary to claim a prize (except for applicable taxes).
- Creative CANNOT imply that the mere act of clicking a button is sufficient to win (e.g. “Win a car! Click here!”).
Weight loss ads:
- Creative CANNOT depict or be targeted at children or teens.
- Creative CANNOT suggest that the product alone is effective for weight loss or make any unrealistic claims about the amount of weight that can be expected from the product.
- Creative CANNOT guarantee substantial weight loss.
- Creative MUST, where weight loss claims are made or implied, have a clear and conspicuous disclosures on the creative (i.e., unavoidable, easy to read, easy to understand).
- Creative CANNOT contain any claims that could reasonably be construed as “disease” claims without prior approval from the FDA (e.g. reduce cholesterol).
Ringtone/cell phone offers:
- Creative MUST disclose the details of the service, particularly when the offer requires a subscription.
- State or imply any personal attributes, including without limitation attributes such as a person’s race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), or financial status.
- Use “bait and switch” tactics, e.g. advertising that promotes an unavailable product or price as a means of luring the user into purchasing a different product.
- Display false functionality - contain graphics that simulate interactivity where no such interactivity exists.
- Resemble error messages or Windows/Mac/Unix dialogue boxes.
- Prompt a download.
- Mimic news headlines in design, tone, third-person sentence structure, or topic.
We will not accept ads that contain/reference the following content:
- Products that contain ephedra (including ma huang), chitosan or human growth hormone, comfrey or pyruvate
- Over-the-counter medication not approved by the FDA
- Lotteries (other than official state lotteries sponsored by a U.S. State)
- Loan products which require upfront fees, products/services that claim to repair bad credit
- Violence, nudity, racial intolerance or any content that is degrading or promotes hate speech against an individual or group
- Ads that appear to be an invasion of privacy, defamatory, libelous or contain slanderous content (including ads for our political and advocacy clients).
- Ads that advertise for services in obtaining specific securities (stocks, bonds, notes, warrants, options, etc.)
- Ads for degrees for sale or offered by non-accredited universities or programs
- Animal cruelty
- Direct corporate and/or brand attack
- Sensationalism of natural disasters and/or any false, fake or sensationalized news headlines or stories (including UGC)
- Ad content that targets children 13 and younger.
- Ads for astrology, horoscopes, psychic services or other related services.
- Others as may be designated by Epsilon Data Management, LLC
Client shall provide its advertising content to Epsilon upon request.